資格上傳的期間在11月15日完成了! 現在Sun Traders已提升到新狀態(第4階段) 和之後收到從資資者寄來的資料與SC 資料表作比較, 新帳戶明細(帳號和密碼) 送到合格的投資者過程中, 實際上那些真實的投資者由我們的管理和財政隊合格。您是用立即捉住新利益的方式。我們寄發一半新帳戶細節到合格的成員到11月30日 而另外一半寄到12月15 日。
我們將有一個很好的計劃在2008 年為所有我們的新的和舊的投資者。所以保持聯繫在2007 年我們完成第6階段和其它3 個階段在2008 年。
20. Nov.2007
Charles PetermanFounder
Chairman and CEO
_____________ 技術隊消息______________
總接受了形式: 748,532
總真實的訂戶: 208,286
總收到了文件: 83,098
注: 那些我們採用應該寄發他們的文件而未寄發文件, 我們可接受他們的請求直到11月27 日
注: 請寄發所有您的文件(合法的身分"護照, 全國身份證卡片" - 掃瞄掃瞄投資證明或投資確認電子郵件) 到finalnotice@suntraders.com
來自:http://www.swisscashguide.com/ (翻譯:凡谷子)
Congratulations to all:
The Qualification Period has finished in 15th of November! Now Sun Traders is upgraded to the new Status level (Phase 4) and after reviewing sent information from subscribers and comparing them with SC datasheets, new account details (ID and Password) are in the process of being sent to qualified investors, actually those who are true old investors and being qualified by our management and financial team.You are in the way of catching new benefits straight away. We are sending new account details to half of qualified members up to 30th of November and for the others up to 15th of December.We will have great plans for the year 2008 for all our new and old investors. So keep in touch until we finish phase 6 in 2007 and the other 3 phases in 2008.20.
Charles PetermanFounder
Chairman and CEO
_____________Technical Team Message______________
Total Forms Received: 748,532
Total True Subscribers: 208,286
Total Documents Received: 83,098
Note: Those who have applied and have not sent documents should send their documents, up to the 27th of November so we can approve their claim.
Note: Please send all your documents (Scan of valid Identity “Passport, National ID card”- Scan of Investment Certificate or Investment Confirmation email) to finalnotice@suntraders.com