What is in for 2008?
Just to update you on some of the possible great things that is coming your way…
1. Our Team is studying and reviewing all your requests for your trading accounts activation and the feasibility to launch different investment products. Awesome isn't it? Well, trust this new team to produce the best investment strategy for you. No promises however as it could come sometime in the year 2008. But just do not forget that you do not have much time for applying as an old investor account holder.
For the subscribers from US & Canada we would accept requests only up to 10th of November and for other countries up to 15th of November.
1.我們的團隊是學習與檢討您投資帳戶所有的可能性,並將它加以熱絡,並推出眾多不同的投資產品,是不是很讓人振奮呢?,相信新的團隊,發揮出最佳的投資策略給你。沒有任何承諾,雖然,在2008年來臨之前還有一段時間。但不要忘記,您沒有太多時間申請成為公司一名資深投資客戶所擁有的資格。 美國與加拿大的客戶,我們皆歡迎受理,請在11月10日辦理,其他國家受理時間到11月15日。
2. We are looking forward to improve on our Customer Service Management. As Sun Traders is a new financial tool in SUN Mutual Funds therefore the company is still looking into rooms for improvement for the public.
We do not entertain direct call in from the public or unidentified source. One of the reasons is because of the services we are providing are only to our corporate Clients and old Investors. This might look unfriendly from the Investors point of view and I regret to say that this is our Company Policy. When we first started Sun Trader Financial Facility in SUN Mutual Funds we were not expecting much problems as this financial tool is so simple to understand. If you invest, you earn your profits. If you don't then that is it. Personally We are more interested to improve the efficiency of our online customer management system rather than tele-services as we are dealing with tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of investors who may come from different background or industries. We would never want to be entangled into unnecessary conversations or possible confrontations. A written solution is always better than an oral conversation.
"It is good if you are the richest among your neighbors, families, friends and colleagues. But it is even better to have richer neighbors, families, friends and colleagues."
"如果在鄰居、家人、朋友、同事之中,您是富有的,是非常好的,如果你能進一步豐富鄰居、家人、朋友、同事,這將是最美好的了。 "
Hector W.Sidberg
Group Partnership Representative