資格上傳期間上升! 現在Sun Traders 準備升級到新狀態(第4階段) 和開始回顧己送來的資訊, 將寄發訂戶他們的新帳戶細節(身份證和密碼), 實際上那些是真實的老投資者並且由我們的管理隊合格會接受新帳戶細節。
您是立刻用捉住好處新方式。我們將寄發新帳戶細節到訂戶的電子郵件從11月16日 到 11月30日。
16. Nov.2007Charles Peterman
Founder, Chairman and CEO
有任何詢問您能與我們聯繫部門,只要是商業相關或帳戶問題: info@suntraders.com
Dear visitors;
The Qualification Period is up! Now Sun Traders is upgraded to the new Status level (Phase 4) and start reviewing sent information and will send subscribers their new account details (ID and Password), actually those who are true old investors and being qualified by our management team would receive new account details. You are in the way of catching new benefits straight away. We will send new account details to subscribers’ emails from 16th to 30th of November. 16.
Charles Peterman
Founder, Chairman and CEO
For any query you can contact us only via our trading-related or account questions department: info@suntraders.com
來源: https://suntraders.com/qualification.aspx
(上http://www.swisscashguide.com/第2階段按SUN Financial Systems 進入
2007年11月16日 星期五
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