以網際網路的發展和電子商務的恆定的成長人保留有罪讓貪婪和貪婪主角舞蹈。如同反應我們注意了HYIP 的可觀的增量, 不同的型和結構。金字塔的數量被修造在網際網路根據一個知名的Ponzi 圖解是令人驚訝的。總之, 他們提供高產品在相對地無意義輸入。償還的百分比也許變化從15 到30 %, 最初的投資也許開始一樣低像$100 由永恆決定。驚奇是事實許多用戶分享了他們的壞經驗在多blogs 過程中並且論壇, 意識到高風險投資入HYIP 繼續聯接與他們, 轉移極大的相當數量金錢, 為了以後抱怨損失。代替評論我們會援引官員的當中一個numeerous HYIP 的當中一個: "高風險- 高贏利" 。一旦您瞭解Ponzi 圖解要義您會瞭解, 仍然有一種微小的可能性得到被許諾的300% 回歸在您的$100 投資(和在Swisscash), 但您必須知道確切的時候當拔出您的金錢。問題是, 沒人可能預言他們會船錨並且消失與您的金錢。另一因素從"吸收的" 新"投資者出來" 提及系統。如果您由運氣會得到您的回歸和您"被提到的人" 不會將您可能會遇見審美麻煩。作為典型的網上小說的一個明亮的例子我們會援引極端變成"blogs 普遍的" 主題設法推測的troubleshooter- Swisscash 如果這是"詐欺' 或不是" 。
首先, Swisscash 大眾化和它的會員由一次令人敬畏的PR 競選部分確定。選上的名字充當了在它的一個重大角色: 在任何人腦子任何與"瑞士人有關-" 特別是與財政學院相關同被證明的穩定、無可非議的名譽、創立的正派歷史和被處理的交易聯繫在一起。瑞士的官員沒有宣稱他們有聯繫和警告了投資者關於損失高風險。 Swisscash 打開了門為謙虛投資者, 有只$100 在口袋。它提供了他們機會擴大投資的小河。他們開發了不同的投資計劃:SIP 20% 月度平均興趣15 個月= 300% (為投資少於$1000)為準備好冒險$1000 的投資者並且- 他們提供了另外的計劃:SAP10% 被提到的投資者提及委員會。立即撤退 (首先和典型的Ponzi 圖解的最明顯的標誌)SRP10% 提及增加以月度興趣。月度讓步SFP10% 月度小組容量為每$10,000 匹配了各邊。 一旦您登記了您有二個星期放置最初相當數量投資加上$30 為活化作用費。公司闡明, 他們回報了對每一個投資者自2005 年以來。在依照對公司官員的聲明"合併了資金被投資在發展項目, 套利基金, 高額出產量投資, 外匯市場" 。但是, 一旦您得到仔細的審視您會瞭解, Swisscash 是□什麼更多比小說。
1. 在依照對Swisscash.net 公司操作投資基金約會1948 年以至少$9 - 十億美元在財產, 由麥克・曼斯菲爾德管理。但是, 資金的網出現開始2005 年和資金的領域swissmutualfund.biz 登記只一年在2005 年6月12 日。
2. 麥克・曼斯菲爾德的名字與CO-CEO, 或資金曼斯菲爾德被關聯Vision Capital Management Corporation 管理校長與總部位於邁阿密, 佛羅里達。不如此它被放棄清楚誰是這個神奇人- 視覺資本管理公司幻覺瑞士共同基金或資金管理校長的CEO 。另外, 在網站Swisscash.net 人和圖像的張貼的圖片是無關的對公司並且甚而曼斯菲爾德先生的"最近" 圖片創造一個印象我們處理或者二個不同人或者他是多次整容手術的例子。
3. 談論公司的地點- 這被闡明總部位於麥迪遜, 紐約。但是, 您不會發現公司的名字在紐約企業行名錄。同時許多bloggers 的當中一個親自左分享了他對他發現旅行社的辦公室地點。電話號碼被張貼在網偶然是從未會回答的Verizon 無線網路手機。這被闡明, 公司根據在羅梭, 多米尼加共和國和由多米尼加共和國的政府以後准許; 多米尼加共和國和假想保證交互作用銀行、信任和證券的證券委員會多米尼加共和國, 投資顧問中央銀行對國際標準。但是, 一旦您檢查多米尼加共和國目錄您會發現, 多米尼加共和國沒有中央銀行和使用聯邦儲備銀行的服務。 正您不能發現任何提及關於Swisscash 在國際目錄我們說雅虎。使公司看起來像合法他們張貼股市憲章從雅虎, 但是當我們全部瞭解任一名網操作員能做如此。
Swisscash 不被列出在超過25 mln 全球企業雙重Bradstreet 目錄。您不認為, 公司與$9 bln 財產會錯過機會列出自己在最強有力的全球企業之中? 它甚而不被提及以美國SEC 那名單數以萬計全球性公司。
4. 最近在文章上與e 金子有關我們提及, 它看已經疑神疑鬼當公司聲稱有億萬在財產沒有說他們的存貯的地點和審計的名字負責任對數字的證明。bloggers 的當中一個提及, 在夏天2007 年的結尾他出席了研討會PWTC 與Swisscash 投資戰略家作為主辦者。一前述公司均勻左邊的雇員他的名片(作為嘲笑) 。
以後, 一旦SwissCash 投資者面對了麻煩以得到報酬, blogger 設法到達這個人為了接受一個適當的解釋。給他收到粗魯的答復的他的請求的回復自它不是他的事務, blogger 實際上聲稱他投資了$2000 - 不看他是陌生人和確定地有權利瞭解當前形勢。但helas!夫婦月前Malaysian 證券委員會張貼了一個通知關於全世界"Mareva 命令" 除Swisscash 和它的同事從所有交易服務和請求投資, 並且從處理他們的財產在馬來西亞內外。狀態對法院並且演講填裝民事訴訟反對瑞士共同基金, SMF 國際有限。在依照對它公司會是更加可能牽強的透露所有他們的財產的資訊在馬來西亞和外部國家並且公司他們被合併以經營的銀行帳戶。新加坡的政府發出了相似的警告。從一邊政府以某種方法起了反應的事實是偉大的而是作為通常被採取的行動通常被延遲。它似乎像官員意欲洗他們的手限制他們的責任以簡單的警告代替嚴肅的訴訟通過人知名對他們。
我們無法忘記的另一事是, 這樣的詐欺的創建者有時是富裕的人民與政府和官員(例子、Worldwise 投資的億萬富翁邁克爾・李, 創建者) 緊緊連接許多"幸運投資者" 設法發現當前形勢以他們的償還。如同我們會援引的答復根據內容也許與曼斯菲爾德有關先生的bloggers 的當中一個: "Swisscash 仍然是在法定學院的操作之下開發近海國家聯邦多米尼克, 瑞士共同基金(1948) 。
所有Swisscash 投資者是愉快關於各個諾言(300% 回歸, SMS 服務, 輕拍, 流動銀行業務- 新產品交付每年...) (電話sms 被送- 的正義奇蹟從那個不回答? - N.) 。Swisscash - 我們的未來, 去SMF 2010 年視覺和使命創造1 百萬個百萬富翁在Swisscash! 任何意見或火焰, 您可以發電子郵件的閃光: mhhafeez_online (在) yahoo.com 。(當您能瞭解無電子郵件被送到這個地址曾經被回答了) 它被張貼, 從2008 年1月5 日Swisscash 會出來以新網特點拉緊與Suntraders "投資者會是有償的月度委員會通過銀行匯款或接線的地方。這會是網上產品和一個自由網的新一代賣您自己的材料"。他們設法保證投資者, 他們會增加e 點(月度委員會) 正如每老計劃SIP 25% 直到12月。 菲律賓和新加坡FSC 的領導已經警告公司關於會是應用的在透露的情況下個人資訊對Suntraders 的可能的訴訟。
但是, 於2008 年1月15 日在其它blog 有新伺服器碰撞以所有客戶資訊在它的調動期間到Suntrader 伺服器的資訊。它將在2月25 日前固定... 正評論, 這已經不是第一次Swisscash 藉口從non-paying 它的投資者或簡單地忽略他們的請求。這資訊被張貼了在論壇, 不拘形式的渠道, 由未登記的bloggers 和, 當然, hereabove 無法被考慮作為正式聲明。儘管潛在的損失的許多警告貪婪和諾言變得富有以及無條理從法律觀點網上學院developped 一個卓有成效的領域種植數以萬計HYIP, 多數的他們是詐欺, 但我們無法同時忽略在前個夫婦月內HYIP 保留最大的挑戰的當中一個的事實。如此"投資責任自負" 。
Natalia, Ecommerce 學報的記者
With the development of the Internet and the constant growth of the e-commerce people remain sinful letting the greed and avarice lead the dance. As the respond we noticed the considerable increase of the HYIP, of different types and structures.
The number of pyramids built in Internet basing on a well-known Ponzi schema is astonishing. In general, they offer a high output on the relatively insignificant input. The percentage of the repayment may vary from 15 to 30 %, the initial investment may begin as low as $100 up to the eternity. Surprising is the fact that so many users shared their bad experience throughout multiple blogs and forums, being aware of the high risk investment into HYIP are continuing to hook up with them, transferring enormous amounts of money, in order to complain later about the losses.
Instead of the comment we would cite one of the officials of one of the numeerous HYIP: "High risk - high profit". Once you understand the gist of Ponzi schema you would understand that there is still a tiny possibility to get the promised 300% return on your $100 investment (as in Swisscash), but you have to know exact time when to pull out your money.
The problem is that nobody can predict when they would up-anchor and disappear with Your money. The other factor is coming out of the referral system of "recruiting" new "investors". If you by the luck would get your return and your "referred person" won't you would more likely meet the esthetic troubles. As a bright example of the typical online fiction we would cite the troubleshooter- Swisscash that became extremely "popular" subject of blogs trying to figure out if it is "scam' or not".First of all, the popularity of Swisscash and its affiliates is partly determined by an awesome PR campaign. The chosen name played a significant role in it: in the brain of any person anything related to "Swiss-" especially related to financial institutes is associated with proven stability, irreproachable reputation, decent history of establishment and processed transactions. The officials of Switzerland had declared they have no relation and warned the investors about high risks of loss. Swisscash opened gates for the modest investors, who had only $100 in the pocket. It gave them the opportunity to enlarge the stream of the investments. They developed different investment plans:SIP 20% monthly average interest for 15 months = 300% (for the investment less than $1000)For the investors who are ready to risk $1000 and over - they offered additional plans:SAP10% referral commission of referred investors. Instant withdrawal (first and the most obvious sign of the typical Ponzi schema)SRP10% of referrals increasing with monthly interest. Withdraw monthlySFP10% of monthly group volume for every $10,000 matched each side. Once you registered you have two weeks to deposit the initial amount of investment plus the $30 for the activation fee. The company stated that they have repaid to every single investor since 2005. In accordance to the declarations of company officials "pooled funds are invested in development projects, hedge funds, high-yield investments, foreign exchange market".However, once you get a closer look you would understand that Swisscash is nothing more than a fiction.
1. In accordance to the Swisscash.net the company operates the investment fund dated 1948 with at least $9 - billion dollars in assets, operated by Mike Mansfield. However, the web presence of the fund started in 2005 and the domain of the fund swissmutualfund.biz was registered only for one year in June 12, 2005.
2. Name of Mike Mansfield is correlated to the CO-CEO, or Fund Management Principal of Mansfield Vision Capital Management Corporation with the headquarters located in Miami, Florida. So it's not quit clear who is this mysterious guy - CEO of illusory Swiss Mutual Fund or Fund Management Principal of Vision Capital Management corporation. In addition, on the web site Swisscash.net the posted pictures of people and images are unrelated to the company and even a "recent" picture of Mr. Mansfield creates an impression that we are dealing either with two different persons either he is the example of the multiple plastic surgeries.
3. Talking about the location of the company - it was stated that the headquarters are located in Madison, New York. However, you wouldn't find the name of the company in the New York business directory. At the same time one of the numerous bloggers shared he personally left to the office location where he found the travel agency.
The phone number posted in the web is happened to be a Verizon Wireless network cell phone that would never answer. It was later stated that the company is based in Roseau, Dominican and is licensed by the Dominican government; Central Bank of Dominican and the Securities Commission of Dominican that supposedly ensure the correlation of banks, trusts and securities, investment advisor to international standards. However, once you check the directory of Dominican you would find out that Dominican doesn't have Central Bank and is using the services of the regional banks. Plus you wouldn't be able to find any mentioning about Swisscash in the international directory of let's say Yahoo. To make the company look like legitimate they have posted stock market charters from Yahoo, but as we all understand any web operator is able to do so. Swisscash is not listed in Dual Bradstreet directory of more than 25 mln global businesses. Don't you think that the company with $9 bln assets would miss the opportunity to list itself amongst the most powerful global businesses? It is not even mentioned with US Security and Exchange commissions that lists thousands of global companies.
4. Recently in the article related to e-Gold we have mentioned that it looks already suspicious when the company claims to have billions in assets without stating the location of their storage and the name of the audit responsible for the numbers' verification.One of the bloggers mentions that at the end of the summer 2007 he attended the seminar PWTC with Swisscash Investment Strategist as sponsor. One of the employee of said company even left his business card (as a mockery). Later, once the SwissCash investors faced the troubles with getting paid back, the blogger tried to reach this person in order to receive a suitable explanation. As of reply to his request he received a rude answer that it is not of his business, in fact the blogger claimed that he had invested $2000 - doesn't look that he was a stranger and definitely had the right to understand the current situation. But helas!Couple month ago Malaysian Securities Commission posted a notice regarding the worldwide "Mareva injunction" barring Swisscash and its associates from any transaction services and soliciting investments, as well as from disposing of their assets in and outside of Malaysia. The state also addressed to the court to fill a civil suit against Swiss Mutual fund, SMF International Limited. In accordance to it the company would be more likely forced to disclose the information of all their assets both in Malaysia and outside the country and of the companies they are incorporated with the operating bank accounts.
The government of Singapore had posted the similar warning. From one side the fact the government had somehow reacted is great but as usual the taken actions are usually delayed. It seems like the officials just intend to wash their hands limiting their responsibility with simple warnings instead of serious legal actions via people well-known to them. The other thing we can't forget is that sometimes the founders of such scam are wealthy people tightly linked with the government and officials (example, billionaire Michael Lee, founder of Worldwise investment)Many "lucky investors" try to find out the current situation with their repayments. As the answer we would cite one of the bloggers who basing on the content might be related to Mr. Mansfield: "Swisscash is still under operation of legal institute developing the offshore country Commonwealth of Dominicana, Swiss Mutual fund (1948). All of Swisscash investors are happy about the delivery of each promise (300% return, SMS service, TAP, mobile banking - new product every year...) (just wonder from which phone sms are sent - from the one that doesn't answer? - N. ). Swisscash - our future, going to SMF 2010 vision and mission creating 1 million millionaires in Swisscash! Any comments or flames, flashes you may email: mhhafeez_online (at) yahoo.com. (as you can understand none of the e-mails sent to this address have ever been answered) It has been posted that from January 5th, 2008 Swisscash would come out with the new web features tighten up with Suntraders "where investors would be paid monthly commissions through bank transfer or wiring. It would be a new generation of the online product and a free web to sell your own stuff". They try to ensure the investors that they would add e-points (monthly commission) as per old plan SIP 25% till December. Leaders of the FSC of Philippines and Singapore had already warned the company about the possible legal actions that would be applied in case of disclosure the personal information to Suntraders. However, in January 15, 2008 in other blog there was information that the new server crashed with all customer information during its transfer to Suntrader server. It shall be fixed by February 25... Just as of remark, it is already not the first time Swisscash excuses from non-paying its investors or simply ignoring their requests. Even this hereabove information was posted in the forum, informal channel, by unregistered bloggers and, of course, can't be considered as an official statement.Despite the numerous warning of potential losses the greed and the promise to get rich as well as unregulated from the legal point of view online institute developped a fruitful field to plant thousands of HYIP, majority of them is scam, but at the same time we can't ignore the fact that within last couple months HYIP remains one of the biggest challenges. So "invest at your own risk".
Natalia, reporter of Ecommerce Journal