2007年10月6日 星期六
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying abnormally high returns (" profits ") to investors out of the money paid in by subsequent investors, rather than from net revenues generated by any real business .

一個舊式計劃是一個欺詐性 投資運作,涉及異常付出高回報( " 利潤 " )的投資者出的錢,在以後的投資者,而不是從淨營收產生任何實質業務 。
It is named after Charles Ponzi .
[1]它得名查爾斯哈特 。 [ 1 ] (右圖)
A Ponzi scheme usually offers abnormally high short-term returns in order to entice new investors.
The high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) require an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going.
The system is doomed to collapse because there are little or no underlying earnings from the money received by the promoter.
However, the scheme is often interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses, because a Ponzi scheme is suspected and/or because the promoter is selling unregistered securities.
As more and more investors become involved, the likelihood of the scheme coming to the attention of authorities will continue to increase.
The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi , who became notorious for using the technique after emigrating from Italy to the United States in 1903.
該計劃命名查爾斯主人 ,而成為臭名昭著使用後,技術移民從意大利到美國 ,
1903年。 Ponzi was not the first to invent such a scheme, but his operation took in such a large amount of money that it was the first to become known throughout the United States.
Today's schemes are often considerably more sophisticated than Ponzi's, although the underlying formula is quite similar and the principle behind every Ponzi scheme is to exploit lapses in judgment arising from an investor's lack of information.
[ edit ] Hypothetical example [ 編輯 ] 假設
1920 mugshot of Charles Ponzi
1920年月曆查爾斯哈特 An advertisement is placed promising extraordinary returns on an investment – for example 20% for a 30 day contract.
廣告置於充滿非凡回報的投資-例如百分之二十一個3 0天的合同。
The precise mechanism for this incredible return can be attributed to anything that sounds good but is not specific: "global currency arbitrage", " hedge futures trading ", " High Yield Investment Programs " or something similar.
確切機制,這個令人難以置信的回報可以歸因於東西聽起來很好,但不具體說: "全球外匯套利" , " 對沖 期貨交易 " , " 高收益投資計劃 "或類似的情況。
With no proven track record for the investors, only a few investors are tempted, usually for smaller sums.
Sure enough, 30 days later, the investor receives the original capital plus the 20% return.
果然, 30天之後,投資者得到的原始資本加上百分之二十的回報。
At this point, the investor will have more incentive to put in additional money, and, as word begins to spread, other investors grab the "opportunity" to participate.在這一點上,投資者將有更多的激勵把額外款項,並作為字開始蔓延,其他投資者抓住"機遇"參加。
More and more people invest, and see their investments return the promised large returns.
The reality of the scheme is that the "return" to the initial investors is being paid out of the new, incoming investment money, not out of profits.
現實的計劃是, "重返"初始投資者正在發放出新的,即將上任的金錢投資,而不是利潤。
There is no "global currency arbitrage", "hedge futures trading", or "high yield investment program" actually taking place.
有沒有"全球外匯套利" , "期貨套期保值交易" ,還是"高產投資計劃" ,實際上難以成行。
Instead, when investor D puts in money, that money becomes available to pay out "profits" to investors A, B, and C. When investors X, Y, and Z put in money, that money is available to pay "profits" to investors A through W.
反之,當投資者提出四金錢,金錢到位,以支付"利潤"的投資者分為a , b ,和c當投資者的x , y和z把錢,這筆錢是用來支付"紅利"投資者通過文
One reason that the scheme initially works so well is that early investors – those who actually got paid the large returns – quite commonly reinvest (keep) their money in the scheme (it does, after all, pay out much better than any alternative investment).
原因之一是該計劃最初作品這麼好,是早期投資者-那些可操作付出大回報-相當普遍再投資(保持),他們的錢在這項計劃(但這畢竟,付出了比任何其他投資) 。
Thus those running the scheme do not actually have to pay out very much (net) – they simply have to send statements to investors that show how much the investors have earned by keeping the money in what looks like a great place to get a high return.
因此那些運行計劃不實際已支付十分(淨) -他們根本送報表向投資者表明有多少投資者賺取飼養錢什麼樣子的好地方獲得高回報。
The catch is that at some point one of three things will happen:
the promotors will vanish, taking all the investment money (less payouts) with them;該助劑會消失,把所有的錢投資(減去支出) ;
the scheme will collapse of its own weight, as investment slows and the promoters start having problems paying out the promised returns (and when they start having problems, the word spreads, and more people start asking for their money, similar to a bank run );
該計劃將會崩潰自己的體重,作為投資放緩和推動者開始出現支付許諾回報(而當他們開始有問題,字差,並有更多人開始要求他們的錢,類似擠提 ) ;
the scheme is exposed, because when legal authorities begin examining accounting records of the so-called enterprise, they find that much of the "assets" that should exist, do not.
計劃曝光,因為當司法當局開始審核的會計記錄,所謂企業,他們發現,大量的"資產" ,應該存在,沒有。
[ edit ] What is and is not a Ponzi scheme
[ 編輯 ] 什麼是不是主人計劃
A pyramid scheme is a form of fraud similar in some ways to a Ponzi scheme, relying as it does on a disbelief in financial reality, including the hope of an extremely high rate of return.
However, several characteristics distinguish pyramid schemes from Ponzi schemes:
In a Ponzi scheme, the schemer acts as a “hub” for the victims, interacting with all of them directly.
In a pyramid scheme, those who recruit additional participants benefit directly (in fact, failure to recruit typically means no investment return).
在傳銷者增聘參與者直接受益(事實上,失敗招攬通常意味著沒有投資回報) 。
A Ponzi scheme claims to rely on some esoteric investment approach, insider connections, etc., and often attracts well-to-do investors; pyramid schemes explicitly claim that new money will be the source of payout for the initial investments.
一個舊式計劃聲稱依靠一些深奧的投資方式,內幕連接等,而且往往吸引寬裕的小康投資者;傳銷明確聲稱, 新的資金將會來源贏錢為初始投資。
A pyramid scheme is bound to collapse a lot faster, simply because of the demand for exponential increases in participants to sustain it.
By contrast, Ponzi schemes can survive simply by getting most participants to "reinvest" their money, with a relatively small number of new participants.
相比之下,舊式計劃能夠生存僅僅得到大多數與會者的"再投資" ,他們的錢,同一個相對小一些新的參與者。
A bubble .
一個泡沫 。
A bubble relies on suspension of disbelief and an expectation of large profits, but it is not the same as a Ponzi scheme.
A bubble involves ever-rising (and unsustainable) prices in an open market (be that shares of a stock, housing prices, the price of tulip bulbs , or anything else).
泡沫牽涉不斷上升(可持續)的價格在一個開放的市場(可以是股份股票,房價,物價鬱金香球莖 ,或者其它的東西) 。
As long as buyers are willing to pay ever-increasing prices, sellers can get out with a profit.
And there doesn't need to be a schemer behind a bubble.
(In fact, a bubble can arise without any fraud at all - for example, housing prices in a local market that rise sharply but eventually drop sharply because of overbuilding.) Bubbles are often said to be based on "greater fool" theory .
(事實上,泡沫可以產生無任何欺詐行為都-比如,住房價格在當地市場上急劇上升,但最終卻急劇下跌,因為過度) 。泡沫往往說是基於" 大傻瓜"理論。
Robbing Peter to pay Paul .
彼得搶付保羅 。
When debts are due and the money to pay them is lacking, whether because of bad luck or deliberate theft, debtors often make their payments by borrowing or stealing from other monies they have.
It does not follow that this is a Ponzi scheme, because from the basic facts set out there is no indication that the lenders were promised unrealistically high rates of return via claims of unusual financial investments.
Nor (from these basic facts) is there any indication that the borrower (banker) is progressively increasing the amount of borrowing ("investing") to cover payments to initial investors (as, again, Ponzi was not the first to do).
也不(從這些基本事實)是否有任何跡象顯示,借款人(銀行) ,是逐步增加的數額借款( "投資" ) ,以支付款項初始投資者(作為,讓我們再主人不是首先做) 。
[ edit ] Notable Ponzi schemes
[ 編輯 ] 顯著舊式計劃
[ edit ] Highest dollar schemes
[ 編輯 ] 最高兌換計劃
The eponymous scheme was orchestrated by Charles Ponzi , who went from anonymity to being a well-known Boston millionaire in six months using such a scheme in 1920 .
該計劃命名為千夫所指查爾斯哈特 ,他們從匿名身為著名波士頓百萬富翁,在六個月內利用這種計劃於1920年。
Profits were supposed to come from exchanging international postal reply coupons.
He promised 50% interest (return) on investments in 45 days or “double your money” in 90 days.
他許諾的50 %利息(收益) ,投資在45天或"雙你的錢"的90天。
About 40,000 people invested about $15 million all together (roughly $150 million in 2006 dollars); in the end, only a third of that money was returned to them.
約40000人的投資額約1500萬美元,全部合計(約1.5億美元,在2006美元) ;在年底前,只有三分之一的錢歸還給他們。
Besides the Ponzi scheme other similar historic schemes include:
Before Ponzi, in 1899 William "520 Percent" Miller opened for business as the "Franklin Syndicate" in Brooklyn , New York .
前主人,在1899年威廉" 520 % "米勒開業為"富蘭克林集團" ,在布魯克林 , 紐約 。
Miller promised 10% a week interest and exploited some of the main themes of Ponzi schemes such as customers reinvesting the interest they made.
He defrauded buyers of $1 million and was sentenced to jail for 10 years.
When he was pardoned he opened a grocery store on Long Island.
During the Ponzi investigation, Miller was interviewed by the Boston Post to compare his scheme to Ponzi's — the interviewer found them remarkably similar, but Ponzi's became more famous for taking in seven times as much money. [2]
在主人的調查,米勒採訪波士頓後 ,以比較其計劃,以主人的-採訪發現,他們驚人的相似,但主人的變得更加出名錄取7倍多錢。 [ 2 ]
Between 1970 and 1984 in Portugal , a woman known as Dona Branca maintained a scheme that paid 10% monthly interest.
1970年至1984年在葡萄牙 ,一名女子被稱為多納branca維持計劃支付10 % ,每月利息。 In 1988 she was sentenced to 10 years in prison. 1988年她被判處10年監禁。
She always claimed that she was only trying to help the poor, but in her trial it was proven that she had received the equivalent of 85 million Euro . [3]
[4]她總是聲稱,她只是試圖幫助窮人,但在她的審訊證實,她收到了相當於85億歐元 。 [ 3 ] [ 4 ]
Sixteen hundred investors in Diamond Mortgage Company and A.J.
1600投資者鑽石按揭公司a.j. Obie, two firms with the same managers, lost approximately $50,000,000 in what the Michigan Court of Appeals described as "the largest reported 'Ponzi' scheme in the history of the state." obie ,
兩家公司與同一經理人,損失約$ 50,000,000什麼密西根上訴法院稱為"最大的報導'主人'計劃,在歷史上的國家" 。
It led to the passage in 1987 of the MBLSA(Mortgage Brokers, Lenders, and Servicers Act)." [5] [6]
它導致通過1987年的mblsa (按揭經紀,放款,並服務法) 。 " [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
MMM was a Russian company that existed in the 1990s.
mmm被俄羅斯一家公司存在,在90年代。 It involved at least two million people and collected as much as $1.5 billion.
The founder was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison in 2007 .
創始人被判45年監禁, 2007年。
In 1992, in Troy, NY , ABC Global Plumbing was an extremely successful Ponzi scheme business that reported to investors of over $551 Billion in gross revenue for fiscal years 1994, 1996 and 1999.
1992年,在特洛伊,紐約 美國廣播公司的全球管道是一個非常成功的舊式商業計劃上報給投資者達551億元,總收入為財, 1994年, 1996年和1999年。
One suspicious investor hired a private detective to examine provided financial information that was handed to him, and the investigator concluded upon seeing the reported revenue and trying to locate the ticker symbol on the NASDAQ that the company didn't exist.
Finally, in 2003, Federal agents raided the corporate headquarters on 69 State Street, which was nothing more than an abandoned warehouse with gutted outdated computer systems.
終於,在2003年,聯邦特工搜查該公司總部69國街,只不過是一個廢棄的倉庫大火過時的電腦系統。 The "CEO" was never mentioned by name in any reporting information and he was never known to any of the 696,369 investors who willingly "invested" over $232.69 Million over the course of the business life.
"首席執行官"從未提到名字的任何舉報信息,而他從不知道任何的投資者696369人心甘情願地"投資"超過$ 232690000以上的業務過程中的生活。
From 1993 until 1997 a church named Greater Ministries International in Tampa, Florida , headed by Gerald Payne bilked over 18,000 people out of 500 million dollars. [7] Payne and other church elders promised the church members double their money back citing Biblical scripture.
從1993年到1997年一所教堂命名更大國際部委在佛羅里達州的坦帕 ,為首杰拉爾德佩恩詐騙逾1.8萬人出500萬美元。 [ 7 ]佩恩和其他教會長老答應教會成員加倍拿回引用聖經經文。
However, nearly all the money was lost and hidden away.
Church leaders received prison sentences ranging from 13 to 27 years.
教會領袖收到徒刑不等, 13至27年。
In autumn of 1994 , the European Kings Club collapsed, causing a damage of about $1.1 billion.
在秋季, 1994年 , 歐洲國王俱樂部倒塌,造成損失約11億美元。
This scam was led by Damara Bertges and Hans Günther Spachtholz.
In the Swiss cantons Uri and Glarus about every tenth adult invested into the EKC.在瑞士各州uri和瑞士 ,大約每十成人投入到庫茲涅茨。
The scam involved buying "letters" valued at 1,400 francs that entitled buyers to receive 12 monthly payments of 200 francs.
騙案涉及買"信" ,價值1400法郎,買方有權領取12個月每月支付200法郎。
The organisation was based in Gelnhausen, Germany [ citation needed ]
該組織設在蓋爾恩豪森,德國[ 引文需 ]
In May 1995 , Pennsylvania 's attorney general moved to freeze the assets of the Foundation for New Era Philanthropy and its chairman, John G. Bennett, Jr. The organization had raised over $500 million from 1,100 donors.
1995年5月, 賓夕法尼亞州的檢察長提出凍結該基金會的資產,為新時代的慈善機構及其主席約翰班尼特g. ,對著該組織已籌集資金超過五億元,從1100捐助。
Participants, including the Red Cross, had believed they were participating in a matching-gifts program through New Era but, in fact it was simply a Ponzi scheme.
與會者,包括紅十字會,相信他們均參與了匹配饋贈計畫透過新時代,但實際上它只是一個主人的計劃。 Losses amounted to $135 million.
In early 1996 , the SEC filed a civil action against Bennett Funding Group , its chief financial officer, Patrick R. Bennett, and other companies Bennett controlled, in connection with a massive Ponzi scheme.
1996年初,美國證券交易委員會提起的民事訴訟對貝內特資集團 ,其首席財務官帕特里克r.班尼特以及其他公司班尼特控制,涉嫌與一宗大規模主人的計劃。
The companies fraudulently raised hundreds of millions of dollars, purportedly to purchase assignments of equipment leases and promissory notes. [4]
公司欺詐提出數億美元,聲稱購買轉讓設備租賃和本票。 [ 4 ]
In 1997 the government of Albania officially endorsed a series of pyramid investment funds.
When the inevitable end came, the people of Albania, who had lost $1.2 billion, took their protest to the streets in a revolt that toppled the government.當必然下場來,
In 2000 , a Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Scientology minister Reed Slatkin came unraveled when the U.S.
2000年,計劃的主人犯下科學大臣里德來述說解體時, 美國
Securities and Exchange Commission regulators became aware that Slatkin was not a licensed investment adviser.
Slatkin had raised some $600 million from over 500 wealthy investors, mostly Hollywood celebrities .薛林提出了約600萬人,從500多名富有投資者,其中大部分好萊塢 名人 。
In December 2005 , in Los Angeles, California , Larry Toshio Osaki , who ran a gigantic Ponzi scheme and continued to offer bogus investments in accounts receivable "factoring" after being ordered to stop by a federal judge, was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison.
2005年12月,在洛杉磯 , 加州, 拉里崎俊 ,誰然巨大主人計劃,並繼續提供假投資,應收賬款"貼現"之後被勒令停止由一名聯邦法官,被判處20年聯邦監獄。
In addition to the prison term, Judge Stephen V. Wilson ordered Osaki to pay more than $145 million in restitution to victims.
In May 2006 , James Paul Lewis, Jr. was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for running a $311 million Ponzi scheme over a 20-year time period.
2006年5月, 詹姆斯保羅劉易斯,對著被判處30年,在聯邦監獄裡開辦了3.11億美元主人計劃超過了20年時間。
He operated under the name Financial Advisory Consultants from Lake Forest, California
他經營的名義下財務諮詢顧問 ,從森林湖,加利福尼亞
In October 2006 , in Malaysia , two prominent members of society and several others were held for running an alleged scam, known as SwissCash or Swiss Mutual Fund (1948).
2006年10月,在馬來西亞 ,兩個突出的社會成員和其他幾個人被關押運行指控詐騙,稱為swisscash或瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) 。
SwissCash offered a returns of up to 300% within a 15-month investment period. swisscash提供了一個回報率高達300 % ,為期15個月的投資期限。
Currently, this HYIP investment is offered to citizens of Malaysia , Singapore , and Indonesia .
目前,這一hyip投資開辦公民馬來西亞 , 新加坡和印度尼西亞 。
It claimed investors’ funds were channeled to business activities ranging from oil exploration to shipping and agriculture in the Caribbean.
The company claims to be operating out of New York and incorporated in Commonwealth of Dominica . [8] [9] [10]
該公司聲稱,以經營進出紐約 ,並納入英聯邦多米尼克 。 [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ]
On Friday 13 April 2007 a person named Sibt-e-Hassan Shah aka " Double Shah " was arrested by government officials in Wazirabad, a small town of Pakistan. [11] Sibt-e-Hassan claimed to double the money within 30 days in the beginning of his scheme and later 90 days.
週五對2007年 4月13日一個名叫sibt娥哈桑國王又名" 雙沙阿 "被捕政府官員在沃濟拉巴德,一個小城市的典範。 〔 11 〕 sibt娥哈桑聲稱雙錢在30天內開始他的計劃,後來是90天。
He is suspected to have gathered very large investments (approx US$ 1 Billion) in a very short time period.
他的懷疑已聚集相當大的投資(約10億美元) ,在很短的時間。
The Brothers was a large investment operation, eventually revealed to be a Ponzi scheme, in Costa Rica from the late 1980s until 2002.
兄弟是一家大型投資運作,最終發現是一個舊式計劃,在哥斯達黎加 ,從80年代末到2002年。
The fund was operated by brothers Luis Enrique and Osvaldo Villalobos.
Investigators determined that the scam took in at least $400 million.調查人員認定,詐騙了至少四億元。
Most of the clientele were American and Canadian retirees but some Costa Ricans also invested the minimum $10,000.
About 6,300 individuals ultimately were involved.約6300人,最終被涉及。
Interest rates were 3% per month, usually paid in cash, or 2.8% compounded.
利率百分之三,每月通常以現金支付,或2.8 %複利。
The ability to pay such high interest was attributed to Luis Enrique Villalobos’ existing agricultural aviation business, investment in unspecified European high yield funds, and loans to Coca Cola, among others.
Osvaldo Villalobos’ role was primarily to move money around a large number of shell companies and then pay investors.
In May 2007 Osvaldo Villalobos was sentenced to 18 years in prison for fraud and illegal banking.
2007年5 osvaldo比利被判處18年監禁,欺詐和非法銀行業。
Luis Enrique Villalobos remains a fugitive.
[5]路易斯恩里克比利仍然是一個逃犯。 [ 5 ]
On Wednesday July 4 , 2007 , the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippines) cited FrancSwiss Financial Co. as a Ponzi scheme which targeted Overseas Filipino Workers .
週三對2007年 7月4日 , 菲律賓吳pilipinas和證券和交易委員會 ( 菲律賓)引用francswiss金融有限公司作為主人的計劃,有針對性的海外菲律賓勞工 。
On August 17 , 2007 , the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation filed syndicated estafa cases against 27 officers and investors of Francswiss Investment, a "Ponzi" pyramiding scam on the Internet.
對2007年 8月17日 ,菲國家調查局提起集團estafa案件對27名投資者francswiss投資時, "主人"騙局累加於互聯網。
Charged were Michael Mansfield, chief financial officer; Kurt Sandelman, risk management team leader; Rupert Benedict Da Vinco, investment team leader; Julia Rodriguez, international banking team leader; Hector Willem Sidberg, marketing and international affairs; and Fernando Munoz, customer service leader; Roger Smith, the British chief operation officer of FS Investment in the Asia-Pacific region; Bensy Fong, the Singaporean system operation officer; Raymond Chua, Singaporean marketing officer; a certain Michelle and Mike, Filipino secretaries and collectors of money from investors; 16 investors, including arrested suspect Eleazard Castillo, 26, a native of Cabuyao, Ilocos Sur, allegedly one of the financial advisers of Francswiss Investment.
控告人邁克爾曼斯菲爾德首席財務總監;庫爾特桑德爾曼,風險管理小組組長;魯珀特篤達vinco ,投資組長;朱莉亞羅德里格斯,國際銀行業組長;赫克托威廉sidberg ,營銷和國際事務;費爾南多和穆尼奧斯,客戶服務領導者;羅傑史密斯,英國首席運營官司長投資在亞太地區; bensy芳,新加坡系統操作人員;鍾蔡氏,新加坡營銷人員;某米歇爾麥克,菲律賓書記收藏家錢從投資者; 16個投資者,包括逮捕嫌疑犯eleazard卡斯蒂略, 26日, 1815年世界銀行,菲律賓sur ,據稱其中財務顧問francswiss投資。
41 investors claimed they lost a total of $75,000 to the investment scheme.
Francswiss deceived investors in the Philippines of P1 billion. [12]
francswiss欺騙投資者在菲律賓小億元。 [ 12 ]
On June 27 , 2007 former boy band mogul and notorious con artist Lou Pearlman was indicted by a grand jury on several counts of fraud which is turning out to be one of the largest United States Ponzi schemes ever to the tune of $317 million dollars.
對2007年 6月27日 ,前男孩樂隊 大亨和臭名昭著促進會 婁轉而被一家大陪審團起訴了幾個詐騙罪名是轉出的一個最大的美國主人計劃都高達3.17億美元的美元。
The final total may rest somewhere near $500 million dollars. [13] Pearlman's scam involved bilking innocent investors out of their savings with a fraudlent savings and loans program claiming it to be FDIC insured though it was not.
最後總共可稍作休息近五億元美元。[ 13 ]轉而的詐騙犯罪涉及無辜投資者出自己的積蓄與欺詐儲蓄和貸款方案,它聲稱將保險公司投保,但事實並不是這樣。
He also conned several banks out of millions of dollars in loans for projects he never started.
He then used that money to pay back certain investors and continue his ponzi scheme.然後,他用這筆錢償還某些投資者繼續他的主人的計劃。
His scheme may have been going on for 12 years.他的計劃可能已持續了12年。 A trial date is set for March 3 , 2008 . [14]
審判日期定於2008年 3月3日 。 [ 14 ]
[ edit ] Other notable schemes
[ 編輯 ] 其他計劃顯著
Other notable (but lesser dollar) Ponzi schemes include:
Sarah Howe, who in 1880 opened up a "Ladies Deposit" in Boston promising eight percent interest, although she had no method of making profits.
This unique scheme was billed as "for women only".
這一獨特計劃帳單" ,為婦女唯一的" 。
Howe disappeared with the money from her scam.
[2]布賴恩消失錢從她的騙局。 [ 2 ]
The novel Chance by Joseph Conrad depicted a Ponzi scheme in 1914 before Ponzi himself had hit the scene.
小說機會 ,由約瑟夫康拉德描繪出一幅主人計劃在1914年前,主人自己擊中了現場。
Conrad's scammer "de Barral" offered ten percent interest on deposits in his operation "without system, plan, foresight, or judgement".
康拉德的募捐"德barral "提供百分之十的存款利息在他的運作" ,無制度,計劃,遠見,或判斷" 。
On March 22 , 2000 , four people were indicted in the Northern District of Ohio, on charges including conspiracy to commit and committing mail and wire fraud.
對2000年 3月22日 , 4人被起訴,在北部地區的俄亥俄州,其罪名包括共謀罪和犯郵件詐欺。
A company with which the defendants were affiliated allegedly collected more than $26 million from "investors" without selling any product or service, and paid older investors with the proceeds of the money collected from the newer investors. [6]
公司與被告所屬據說收集了超過2600萬美元從"投資者"無出售任何產品或服務,並支付老年投資者所得的金錢所得較投資者。 [ 6 ]
In late 2003, a scheme by Bill Hickman, Sr., and his son, Bill Jr., was shut down. 2003年底,一個由計劃草案hickman ,老,和他的兒子,比爾柯林頓被關閉。
He had been selling unregistered securities that promised yields of up to 20 percent; more than $8 million was defrauded from dozens of residents of Pottawatomie County , Oklahoma , along with investors from as far away as California . [7] Hickman was sentenced to 160 years in state prison.
他一直未出售證券承諾收益率高達20 %左右;超過800萬元的詐騙從數十居民pottawatomie縣 , 俄克拉荷馬 ,隨著投資者遠從加州 。 [ 7 ] hickman被判160年州立監獄。
In December 2004, Mark Drucker pleaded guilty to a Ponzi scheme in which he told investors that he would use their funds to buy and sell securities through a brokerage account.
2004年12月, 馬克德魯克認罪一個舊式計劃,而他告訴投資者說,他將利用自己的資金買賣證券,透過經紀帳戶。
He claimed that he was making significant profits on his day trades and that he had opportunities to invest in select IPOs that were likely to turn a substantial profit in a short period of time.
他聲稱,他是作出重大利潤,他每天行業,並表示有機會投資於新股責人,可能把大量利潤,在短短的時間。 He promised guaranteed returns of up to fifty (50%) percent in 90 days or less.
他許諾保證回報率高達50 ( 50 % ) % ,在90天或更少。 In less than two years of trading, Drucker actually lost more than $850,000 in day trading and had no special access to IPOs.
He paid out more than $3.6 million to investors while taking in $6.3 million. [8] [9]
他付出了超過360萬美元的投資者,而採取的630萬美元。 [ 8 ] [ 9 ]
In June 2005, in Los Angeles, California, John C. Jeffers was sentenced to 168 months (14 years) in federal prison and ordered to pay $26 million in restitution to more than 80 victims.
2005年6月,在洛杉磯,加州的john c.一艘被判處168個月( 14年)在聯邦監獄,並下令支付2600萬美元歸還給80多名受害者。
Jeffers and his confederate John Minderhout ran what they said was a high-yield investment program they called the “Short Term Financing Transaction.” The funds were collected from investors around the world from 1996 through 2000 .
里昂和他的同盟國約翰明德豪特然,他們說是一個高產的投資計畫,他們被稱為"短期融資券交易" 。資金被收集投資者從世界各地,從1996年到2000年 。
Some investors were told that proceeds would be used to finance humanitarian projects around the globe, such as low-cost housing for the poor in developing nations.
一些投資者告訴所得將用來資助人道主義項目,在全球各地,如低成本住房,為貧困在發展中國家。 Jeffers sent letters to some victims that falsely claimed the program had been licensed by the Federal Reserve and the program had a relationship with the International Monetary Fund and the United States Treasury .
英超發信給一些受害人謊稱節目已授權聯邦儲備委員會和程序進行了與國際貨幣基金和美國財政部 。 Jeffers and Minderhout promised investors profits of up to 4,000 percent.
化纖及明德豪特承諾投資者利潤可達4000 % 。
Most of the money collected in the scheme went to Jeffers to pay commissions to salespeople, to make payments to investors to keep the scheme going, and to pay his own personal expenses. [10]
錢大部分收集在計劃前往里昂支付佣金給推銷員,使金向投資者保持計劃正在進行中,並支付他自己的個人開支。 〔 10 〕
In February 2006, Edmundo Rubi pleaded guilty to bilking hundreds of middle and low-income investors out of more than $24 million between 1999 and 2001, when he fled the U.S. after becoming aware that he was under suspicion.
2006年2月, 埃德蒙多露認罪,犯罪數百中低收入投資者出超過2400萬美元, 1999年至2001年,當他逃到美國後,逐漸意識到他受到懷疑。
The investors in the scheme, called “Knight Express”, were told that their funds would be used to purchase and resell Federal Reserve notes, and were promised a six percent monthly return.
投資者在該計劃,被稱為"騎士快車" ,被告知他們的資金將主要用於購買和轉售美國聯邦儲備債券,並承諾6 %每月回報。 Most of those bilked were part of the Filipino community in San Diego. [11]
大多數這些虛假部分菲律賓社會在聖地牙哥。 〔 11 〕
On May 10 , 2006 , Spanish police arrested 9 people associated with Forum Filatelico and Afinsa Bienes Tangibles in an apparent Ponzi scheme that affected 250,000 investors from 1998 to 2001.
對2006年 5月10日 ,西班牙警方逮捕了9人與論壇及棄用 afinsa bienes有形一個明顯舊式計劃影響到投資者250000從1998年到2001年。
Investors were promised huge returns from investments in a stamp fund. [12]
投資者承諾的巨額回報,從投資郵票基金。 [ 12 ]
12DailyPro was a version of what is commonly known as a "paid autosurf" program where "investors" deposited money and received an extremely high profit (44%) within a short period (12 days). Charis Johnson created what authorities considered one of the largest modern day versions of the Ponzi scheme.
12dailypro一個版本是什麼俗稱" autosurf支付"項目,而"投資人"的錢存入,並獲得極高的利潤( 44 % ) ,在一個短期間( 12天) 。 charis約翰遜創造什麼當局認為其中的最大的現代版本的舊式計劃。 She accumulated a total of over US$1.9 million from the program.
More than 300,000 people joined over the course of 8 months, spending over $500 million [13] .
30多萬人參加了課程的8個月,花費超過5億美元[ 13 ] 。
When a federal investigation of 12DailyPro took place, its main payment processor, Stormpay , froze all funds related to it. Stormpay has since refused to return any of these funds.
當聯邦調查12dailypro發生,其主要付款處理器, stormpay ,凍結所有資金有關。 stormpay至今拒絕歸還任何這些資金。
On February 24 , 2006 , the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ordered 12DailyPro and its parent company to cease and desist all operations.對2006年 2月24日 ,
美國證券和交易委員會( sec )下令12dailypro及其母公司停止和所有業務。
On February 28 , a Los Angeles judge ordered all company assets and records to be turned over to an appointed receiver for investigation.
2月28日 ,洛杉磯法官下令該公司所有資產和記錄必須交給委任接管人進行調查。
Charis F. Johnson now faces criminal and civil suits from both local and federal agencies. charis f.
Stormpay also used to collect usernames and passwords and try to use them in other legitimate online payment services like PayPal.
High Yield Investment Programs are related to established economic rules such as supply and demand, material assets that appreciate based on value-added through high-end skills such as high-end electronics, buidings & estates, hotels, technology parks, museums, theater and organic systems such as businesses involved in producing the previously mentioned material assets.
HYIPs could involve printing of cards as certificates, with units being transferable to third parties.
The monetary value of units rises over time, so most holders of such cards won't want to transfer their units.
At the same time, the card can be used as a means of exchange for value making it a form of money.
It's like turning the HYIPs into a form of Central Bank and the units it issues become currency.
Matteo Quintavalle is an Italian scammer, who cheated investors with more than US$10 million by promising very high yield in Costa Rican real estates and hotels.
利瑪竇後代 ,是一個意大利募捐,誰欺騙投資者超過1000萬美元的承諾很高產哥斯達黎加房地產和酒店。 After grabbing the money in San Francisco,California, Mr. Quintavalle went to Costa Rica and bought hotels, resorts and even soccer players ' contracts and gave false contracts to the original investors let they think they were owning those properties in Costa Rica.
Mr. Quintavalle is currently under arrest awaiting trial. [14]先生的後代,目前正在逮捕候審。 [ 14 ]
In August 2007 , a bank in Second Life called “Ginko Financial” claimed it could give returns of 40% to 60%, collapsed and gone insolvent with debts of L$ 200 million (around US$750 000) .
2007年8月 ,銀行在第二生命稱為"銀杏經濟" ,它聲稱可以申報40至60 % ,暈倒了破產債務的l億元(美元左右750000 ) 。
Some residents have lost amounts of L$ 2.5 million (around US$10 000) in the scheme.一些居民已失去金額1 250萬美元(約美元10000 ) ,在該計劃。 Due to this, there have been calls for a localised version of the SEC for the site. [15]由於這個,有呼喚本地化版本的證供現場。 [ 15 ]
On August 31 , 2007 , the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filed an emergency action against James Blackman Roberts ("Roberts"), FOMAC International, Inc. ("FOMAC"), and Consultores Las Tres Americas S.A. ("Consultores LTA") to halt an ongoing Ponzi scheme and freeze assets for the benefit of defrauded investors.
對2007年 8月31日 ,美國證券交易委員會( "證交會" )提交了緊急行動blackman詹姆斯羅伯茨( "羅伯茨" ) ,中部國際股份有限公司(簡稱"雷" ) ,並consultores的las tres s.a.以美洲( " consultores的lta " ) ,以制止正在進行的主人計劃,並凍結資產受益欺騙投資者。
The complaint filed by the SEC alleges that, since 2002, the defendants have raised at least $50 million in principal from approximately 450 investors located primarily in the U.S. and Costa Rica.
該控訴由sec聲稱, 2002年以來,被告人曾提出至少5000萬美元主要來自大約450個投資者主要位於美國和哥斯達黎加。
The complaint further alleges that as early as 2005, the defendants experienced significant losses while trading investor funds in the Forex markets, misappropriated at least $3 million, and then used new investor money to pay returns and principal to existing investors.
As a result, the complaint alleges, the defendants misrepresented to investors that these Ponzi payments were actually returns from their Forex trading [15]
由於投訴指稱,被告錯誤地向投資者表示,這些催討款項,其實都是回報從其外匯交易[ 15 ]
On 20 September 2007 , a complaint was filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan, accusing political fund-raiser Norman Hsu of operating a Ponzi scheme.
對2007年 9月20日 ,控訴聯邦地方法院在曼哈頓,指責政治募捐諾曼許經營計劃的主人。
Hsu attracted investments by claiming to be running a legitimate business involving the importation of clothes from China, and is reported to have cheated investors out of at least $60 million. [16]
許吸引投資,由自稱為經營合法業務涉及進口服裝來自中國,是報導有欺騙投資者出至少6000萬美元。 [ 16 ]
In September 2007, another bank in Second Life called "The Bank" owned by the in-game character "Jasper Tizzy", operated as part of an in-game group of companies known as Atlas Venture Capital (AVC) and Countless Galaxies (CGI), stopped processing customer withdrawals.
2007年9月,另一家銀行在第二生命所謂的"銀行"所擁有的在遊戲中"字反映碧玉" ,經營的一個組成部分,在遊戲公司集團稱為阿特拉斯創投( avc )和無數星系(以cgi ) ,停止加工客戶提款。
This was closely followed by the disappearance of Jasper Tizzy and his staff; Paydayloan Lindman and Teanna Nomura.
這是緊接著消失碧玉反映和他的工作人員; paydayloan林德曼teanna和野村。
They claimed they could give returns on average of 10% to 20% per month and, like in many of these schemes, they were making good on their claims for several months.
他們聲稱他們可以給予回報率平均在10 %至20 %的一個月,像在許多這類計劃,他們創造了良好的債權為幾個月。
The beginning of the end was when a separate venture supported by The Bank, the Kristatos Fashion Mall (KFM), was abandoned by the owner, Teanna Nomura and caused AVC and CGI to prematurely cave in on themselves.
開始結束時,一個單獨的創業支持,由銀行, kristatos時尚購物中心(烏干達) ,是由廢棄的主人, teanna野村造成了avc和cgi過早洞穴本身。
As with the Ginko episode, some residents have lost amounts of L$2.5M (around US$10,000) in the scheme and more calls for Linden Labs to clamp down have been raised as a result.
與銀杏插曲,一些居民已失去金額1 250萬美元(約10,000美元) ,在計劃和更呼喚林登實驗室打擊已提出作為一個結果。
[ edit ] As a political metaphor [
編輯 ] 作為一個政治隱喻
Some free-market economists, such as Thomas Sowell have argued that national social security systems, such as the Social Security system in the United States and the National insurance system in the United Kingdom , are actually large-scale Ponzi schemes.
一些自由市場經濟學家,如托馬斯災後辯稱,全國社會保障系統,如社會保障體系,在美國和國民保險制度,在英國 ,實際上是一場大規模的主人計劃。
Sowell and others point out that, under these national systems, incoming payments, made up of taxes and/or other kinds of non-voluntary contributions, are neither saved nor invested.
災後等指出,在這些國家體系,新任金,彌補了稅款和/或其他類型的非自願捐款,既節省投資也。 Instead, current contributions (from one set of individuals, due benefits at a later time) are used to pay for current benefits (to another set of individuals).
相反,目前捐款(從一列個人,因為利益在稍後時間) ,是用來支付當前利益(另一套個人) 。
Sowell and others claim that this "pay-as-you-go" system has begun to show its inherent flaws as North American demographics trend toward more pensioners and fewer workers, because of declining birth rates and increasing life expectancy .
災後等聲稱這"薪隨你走"的制度已開始顯示其固有的缺陷,如北美 人口統計學趨勢更加養老金和工人少,因為不斷下降的出生率和增加壽命 。
Retirement programs run by national governments , though they involve the taxes paid in by workers being redistributed to pensioners, nevertheless differ in a number of basic features that are usually found in Ponzi schemes, but are not fundamental to them:
退休計劃,由國家政府 ,雖然它們涉及稅金由工人被分配到退休,但在不同的一些基本特點,通常在發現主人計劃,但都沒有根本要求他們:
Retirement systems, like Social Security, are openly declared for what they are.
In a genuine Ponzi scheme, the perpetrators falsely claim that there is some business that generates the promised revenues.
In Social Security, people know where the money comes from, and actuaries supply written predictions of future cash in-flows and out-flows.
Retirement systems promise a stipend to the country's retired persons, not the quick and exorbitant profits to current investors that Ponzi schemes invariably offer.
Retirement systems rely on the taxing power of the state to ensure continuous funding, as opposed to voluntary investor contributions.
退休制度依靠徵稅國家權力 ,以確保持續的資金,而非投資者自願捐款。
In practice, this taxing power has been used primarily for dedicated revenues (taxes), although in theory general tax revenues could be used to supplement worker payments into the systems.
在實踐中,這一徵稅權一直主要用於專項收入(稅收) ,雖然在理論上一般稅收可用於補充職工支付系統。 (Historically in the U.S., Social Security has almost always been in surplus , so this has not yet become an issue.) When and if the political process is used to raise required contributions via retirement taxes , or to reduce benefits (including raising the retirement age), there would certainly be opposition from those who would pay more or get less, but politicians have only those two choices (plus borrowing) if revenues are inadequate, aside from gradually ending the New Deal completely.
(歷史,在美國,社會保障幾乎一直過剩 ,所以這個尚未成為一個問題) 。時,如果政治進程是用來籌集捐款須透過退休稅 ,或減少福利(包括提高退休年齡) ,一定會反對那些將多付或較少,但政客卻只有兩個選擇(加上借款) ,如果收入不夠,除了逐步結束新政完全。
The idea of making Social Security a "fully funded" system has been discussed several times but always floundered on the cost.
The cost has gone up as making any fundamental change has been deferred.
In the long run, retirement systems pay out an approximately equal amount to what was paid in, per contributor, plus interest [ citation needed ] .
在長遠來說,退休制度支付了大約相等所支付的,每貢獻者,另加利息[ 引文需 ] 。
In the short run, pension surpluses can be used to cover a government's current general-revenue shortfall, as has been happening in the United States since Social Security contribution rates were increased in 1983.
在短期來說,退休金盈餘可以用來支付政府的現行一般收入短缺,已發生以來,美國社會保障的貢獻率分別增加1983 。
Retirement systems are in many ways insurance rather than investment systems.退休制度在許多方面是保險 ,而不是投資制度。
A person who dies before retirement gets no money back (regardless of what he/she paid in).
去世的人,退休前是得不到錢還給(不論是什麼,他/她付出) 。
Someone who lives to a very old age continues to get payments regardless of the amount of money he/she has paid in. And someone disabled, even at a relatively young age (well before he/she can make significant payments into the system, or have significant private investments), still receives payments until the end of his/her life.
人的生命很高齡繼續得到款項不論金額他/她付出。有人傷殘,甚至在一個相對年輕的年齡(好之前,他/她可以作出重大的支付系統,或有顯著私人投資) ,仍獲得金,直到年底他/她的生活。
Due to this, the typical retiree who does not become disabled early sees a lower rate of return than the risk free rate .
因此,典型的退休者不致殘早日看到一個較低的回報率比無風險利率 。
Unlike a Ponzi scheme, government receipts (taxes) and payouts (entitlements) can be calculated quite accurately in the short term (five to ten years), and predicted (with a range of assumptions) for periods beyond that timeframe.
不像舊式計劃,政府收益(稅)和賠款(享) ,可以計算出相當準確,在短期內(五至十年) ,並預言(與一系列假設) ,為時段以外的時間。
A sudden collapse is therefore unlikely [ citation needed ] , depending on one's definition of "sudden".
突然崩潰,因此不大可能[ 引文需 ] ,這取決於一個人的定義, "突然" 。
The U.S. Social Security Administration provides the following response [16] to the "Ponzi scheme" accusation as applied to a pay-as-you-go system like Social Security:
美國社會安全管理局提供下列反應[ 16 ] ,以"主人計劃"的指控適用於一付隨你去系統一樣的社會保障:
There is a superficial analogy between pyramid or Ponzi schemes and pay-as-you-go insurance programs in that in both money from later participants goes to pay the benefits of earlier participants.
有一種膚淺的類比或金字塔主人計劃,並付隨你走保險程序,既賺錢,後來參加到薪酬福利早期參與者。 But that is where the similarity ends.但就是在那裡相似結束。
A pay-as-you-go system can be visualized as a simple pipeline, with money from current contributors coming in the front end and money to current beneficiaries paid out the back end.
So we could [imagine] that at any given time there might be, say, 40 million people receiving benefits at the back end of the pipeline; and as long as we had 40 million people paying taxes in the front end of the pipe, the program could be sustained forever.
所以我們可以[想像] ,在任何特定時間有可能會說, 40多萬人領取福利,在後端的管道;只要我們有4000萬人繳納稅款的前端管道,程序可能持續下去。
It does not require a doubling of participants every time a payment is made to a current beneficiary.
(There does not have to be precisely the same number of workers and beneficiaries at a given time--there just needs to be a stable relationship between the two.) As long as the amount of money coming in the front end of the pipe maintains a rough balance with the money paid out, the system can continue forever.
(有沒有被精確相同數目的工人和受益人在某一特定時間-只需要一個穩定的關係兩個) 。只要金額在今後的前端管道維持粗略平衡錢出來時,系統能繼續下去。
There is no unsustainable progression driving the mechanism of a pay-as-you-go pension system and so it is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.
If the demographics of the population were stable, then a pay-as-you-go system would not have demographically-driven financing ups and downs and no thoughtful person would be tempted to compare it to a Ponzi arrangement.
However, since population demographics tend to rise and fall, the balance in pay-as-you-go systems tends to rise and fall as well.
During periods when more new participants are entering the system than are receiving benefits there tends to be a surplus in funding (as in the early years of Social Security).
期間更當新的參與者進入系統比接受福利往往是過剩的資金(如早年的社會保障) 。
During periods when beneficiaries are growing faster than new entrants (as will happen when the baby boomers retire), there tends to be a deficit.
期間,當受益人的增長速度要高於新入行(如發生時,嬰兒潮世代退休) ,因此往往會出現赤字。
This vulnerability to demographic ups and downs is one of the problems with pay-as-you-go financing.
But this problem has nothing to do with Ponzi schemes, or any other fraudulent form of financing, it is simply the nature of pay-as-you-go systems.
[ edit ] The monetary system
[ 編輯 ] 貨幣制度
There is an argument to be made that debt based monetary systems are essentially sophisticated Ponzi schemes.
Debt based money, or fractional reserve banking requires that interest be paid on money which was created at the same moment a loan was created.
債務基於金錢, 分數或儲備銀行規定的利息支付的款項設立在同一時刻貸款產生了積極影響。
Because of these ongoing interest payments, there is always less money available in circulation than there are debts.
Paying the interest and debt must therefore require ongoing, additional and larger loans from the banks.
The result is an exponentially increasing system which must collapse when the imbalances between currency and debt becomes too large, with the corresponding transfer of the ownership of real assets to the owners of the debt; the private banks .
其結果是成倍提高系統要崩潰時失衡,貨幣和債務變得過於龐大,並相應地轉移所有權的實質資產業主的債務;民營銀行 。
Through the creation and extinguishment of debt money , real assets are effectively "harvested" by the private banks and then sold to those with the money to buy the foreclosed assets.
通過建立和取消債務的金錢 ,實物資產得到有效的"收穫" ,由私人銀行 ,然後出售給那些錢購買排除資產。
This "boomerang" effect in the creation and extinguishment of debt money can also create a "boom-bust" cycle in the broader economy as debt money is created (thereby increasing the money supply ) and subsequently destroyed (decreasing the money supply ) when an inflated price "bubble" bursts, thereby resulting in a collapse in prices and a drying up of liquidity in that market, allowing the banks to foreclose on distressed assets and recycle these assets into the market at lower " fire sale " prices.
這個"自食其果效應" ,在創作和取消債務的錢也可以創造一個"繁榮-蕭條"週期,在更廣泛的經濟債務,錢是創造(從而增加貨幣供應量 ) ,隨後摧毀(降低貨幣供給 ) ,當誇大價格"泡沫"破裂,從而導致油價崩潰和乾涸的流動資金市場,允許銀行對抵押品贖回心疼資產和回收這些資產進入市場,以較低的" 火售 "的價格。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
boriz談話 瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.以
Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. is an offshore company that was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Dominica around December 20, 1999. [1] It claimed to have a historic link with Switzerland back in 1948 before moving its headquarters to the Commonwealth of Dominica.
瑞士共同基金( 1948年)是s.a.以離岸公司被納入英聯邦多米尼克左右1999年12月20日。 [ 1 ]聲稱有歷史聯繫與瑞士早在1948年之前把其總部聯合體多米尼克。
Swiss Mutual Fund offers mutual funds and other vehicles that meet its clients' individual and specific needs.
It boasts of a three-cornerstone approach to achieve these goals through an attempt to maximize returns , but simultaneously limit downside risk through hedging.[2]
它擁有一個3基石辦法實現這些目標,通過嘗試取得最大回報,但同時限制下行風險通過套期保值。 [ 2 ]
In April 2005, Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) launched a financial investment program known as SwissCash. 2005年4月,瑞士共同基金( 1948 )推出一個金融投資項目稱為swisscash 。 This investment program provides fixed returns every 30 days with an average of 20% profits of an investment capital. [3]
這項投資計劃提供固定回報,每30天,平均20 %的利潤的投資資本。 [ 3 ]
However, Swiss Embassy in Malaysia published on its website a circular that that Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) has no historic link with Switzerland.
不過,瑞士駐馬來西亞其網站公佈的通告指出,瑞士共同基金( 1948 )並沒有歷史聯繫與瑞士。 An excerpt of the message is quoted as below.
"The Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) and or Swiss Cash are not registered companies in Switzerland. Until proof of the contrary, the Embassy doubts that the remarks about these funds and their historic links to Switzerland as outlined on their original website are genuine. The original website is indeed registered in the USA and the contact telephone number is from New Jersey (USA)." [4]
"瑞士共同基金( 1948 )和瑞士或現金都沒有註冊公司,在瑞士。直到證明相反,大使館懷疑言論對這些資金和它們的歷史聯繫,以瑞士為概述其原有網站是真實的。該原網站的確是註冊在美國的聯絡電話號碼是從新澤西(美國) 。 " [ 4 ]
One of the reasons for Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. to incorporate in Dominica is because of its world class legislation which governs the formation of tax free offshore international business corporations passed in 1996, that is the International Business Companies Act (IBC) of June 26, 1996.
原因之一,瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.以把多米尼克,是因為其世界一流的法例規管形成免稅離岸國際商業公司1996年通過,即國際商業公司法( 00 ) 1996年6月26日。
The IBC Act offers some of the most progressive and flexible offshore legislation that can be found anywhere else in the world. [5]
倫理法提供了一些最先進和靈活的離岸法例,可以發現在世界其他地方。 [ 5 ]
Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. is possibly not publicly listed as a licensed financial institution in Dominica because of the privacy policy for Dominica IBC.
瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.以可能是不公開上市作為持牌金融機構在多米尼克因隱私政策米尼克倫理。
The financial services in Dominica is governed by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Monetary Authority for a group of eight island economies namely - Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. [6]
金融服務在多米尼克,是由東加勒比中央銀行,金融管理局為一組八個島嶼經濟即-安圭拉,安提瓜和巴布達,英聯邦多米尼克,格林納達,蒙特塞拉特,聖基茨和尼維斯,聖盧西亞,聖聖文森特和格林納丁斯。 [ 6 ]
Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. is a private investment services which caters for global investors from all over the world "by portfolio and by invitation" basis.
瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.以,是一個私人投資的服務,滿足全球投資者來自世界各地的"組合並邀請"的基礎。
As a matter of fact, a Dominica IBC cannot engage in business with its residents but can engage in all corporate activities subject to its Articles and Memorandum of Association.
A Dominica IBC is not permitted to conduct or carry out Banking; Insurance; Mutual Fund Management; Public Investment Management; or any associated activity without proper licensing.
However, there are no restrictions on doing business outside of Dominica except illegal activities or such activities that require additional licensing. [7]
不過,有沒有限制做生意之外米尼克除外非法活動或這些活動需要額外許可。 [ 7 ]
There are speculation that Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) is a Ponzi Scheme.
有猜測說,瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) ,是一個舊式的計劃。 But when analyzing on the level of services for its investors in SwissCash, one can testify the goodness of the company and how professional their e-bank financial system could be.
但當分析服務水平,為投資者swisscash ,人們可以作證善公司如何專業電子銀行金融系統可以。
It works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Although the financial report is not freely given to the investors, the investors' funds when being deposited with their bank accounts or their appointed dealers are also generating certain percentage of bank interests.
The surplus funds can always be channeled for investment around the world.
At 20th Aug 2007, the Swiss Mutual Fund websit was shutdown.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
瑞士共同基金( 1948年)是s.a.以離岸公司被納入英聯邦多米尼克左右1999年12月20日。 [ 1 ]聲稱有歷史聯繫與瑞士早在1948年之前把其總部聯合體多米尼克。
Swiss Mutual Fund offers mutual funds and other vehicles that meet its clients' individual and specific needs.
It boasts of a three-cornerstone approach to achieve these goals through an attempt to maximize returns , but simultaneously limit downside risk through hedging.[2]
它擁有一個3基石辦法實現這些目標,通過嘗試取得最大回報,但同時限制下行風險通過套期保值。 [ 2 ]
In April 2005, Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) launched a financial investment program known as SwissCash. 2005年4月,瑞士共同基金( 1948 )推出一個金融投資項目稱為swisscash 。 This investment program provides fixed returns every 30 days with an average of 20% profits of an investment capital. [3]
這項投資計劃提供固定回報,每30天,平均20 %的利潤的投資資本。 [ 3 ]
However, Swiss Embassy in Malaysia published on its website a circular that that Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) has no historic link with Switzerland.
不過,瑞士駐馬來西亞其網站公佈的通告指出,瑞士共同基金( 1948 )並沒有歷史聯繫與瑞士。 An excerpt of the message is quoted as below.
"The Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) and or Swiss Cash are not registered companies in Switzerland. Until proof of the contrary, the Embassy doubts that the remarks about these funds and their historic links to Switzerland as outlined on their original website are genuine. The original website is indeed registered in the USA and the contact telephone number is from New Jersey (USA)." [4]
"瑞士共同基金( 1948 )和瑞士或現金都沒有註冊公司,在瑞士。直到證明相反,大使館懷疑言論對這些資金和它們的歷史聯繫,以瑞士為概述其原有網站是真實的。該原網站的確是註冊在美國的聯絡電話號碼是從新澤西(美國) 。 " [ 4 ]
One of the reasons for Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. to incorporate in Dominica is because of its world class legislation which governs the formation of tax free offshore international business corporations passed in 1996, that is the International Business Companies Act (IBC) of June 26, 1996.
原因之一,瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.以把多米尼克,是因為其世界一流的法例規管形成免稅離岸國際商業公司1996年通過,即國際商業公司法( 00 ) 1996年6月26日。
The IBC Act offers some of the most progressive and flexible offshore legislation that can be found anywhere else in the world. [5]
倫理法提供了一些最先進和靈活的離岸法例,可以發現在世界其他地方。 [ 5 ]
Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. is possibly not publicly listed as a licensed financial institution in Dominica because of the privacy policy for Dominica IBC.
瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.以可能是不公開上市作為持牌金融機構在多米尼克因隱私政策米尼克倫理。
The financial services in Dominica is governed by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Monetary Authority for a group of eight island economies namely - Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. [6]
金融服務在多米尼克,是由東加勒比中央銀行,金融管理局為一組八個島嶼經濟即-安圭拉,安提瓜和巴布達,英聯邦多米尼克,格林納達,蒙特塞拉特,聖基茨和尼維斯,聖盧西亞,聖聖文森特和格林納丁斯。 [ 6 ]
Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. is a private investment services which caters for global investors from all over the world "by portfolio and by invitation" basis.
瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.以,是一個私人投資的服務,滿足全球投資者來自世界各地的"組合並邀請"的基礎。
As a matter of fact, a Dominica IBC cannot engage in business with its residents but can engage in all corporate activities subject to its Articles and Memorandum of Association.
A Dominica IBC is not permitted to conduct or carry out Banking; Insurance; Mutual Fund Management; Public Investment Management; or any associated activity without proper licensing.
However, there are no restrictions on doing business outside of Dominica except illegal activities or such activities that require additional licensing. [7]
不過,有沒有限制做生意之外米尼克除外非法活動或這些活動需要額外許可。 [ 7 ]
There are speculation that Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) is a Ponzi Scheme.
有猜測說,瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) ,是一個舊式的計劃。 But when analyzing on the level of services for its investors in SwissCash, one can testify the goodness of the company and how professional their e-bank financial system could be.
但當分析服務水平,為投資者swisscash ,人們可以作證善公司如何專業電子銀行金融系統可以。
It works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Although the financial report is not freely given to the investors, the investors' funds when being deposited with their bank accounts or their appointed dealers are also generating certain percentage of bank interests.
The surplus funds can always be channeled for investment around the world.
At 20th Aug 2007, the Swiss Mutual Fund websit was shutdown.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Swiss Mutual Fund is an offshore investment company headquartered in the Commonwealth of Dominica .
瑞士共同基金是境外投資公司,總部設在英聯邦多米尼克 。
Despite the inclusion of the word Swiss in its name, the Swiss Mutual Fund's board of directors is comprised solely of Dominican citizens [1] , and the company does not appear to have any significant ties to Switzerland .
儘管列入字瑞士在其名稱中,瑞士共同基金的董事會組成,是純粹的多米尼加共和國公民[ 1 ] ,而且該公司似乎並未有重大關係的瑞士 。
Swiss Mutual Fund originally mentioned on its website that it was created after World War II in 1948 by the Cheviot family of France, with operations based in Berne , Switzerland .
瑞士共同基金原先所提在其網站上說,它創造了二戰結束後 ,於1948年由家族cheviot公司法國業務總部設在瑞士 伯爾尼 。
After 48 years (1996), the firm moved to the Commonwealth of Dominica due to changes in financial regulations in Europe. [2] However the Swiss Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has stated the following:
後48年( 1996年) ,該公司提出向英聯邦多米尼克因改變金融法規在歐洲。 [ 2 ]但是,瑞士駐吉隆坡說明如下:
"The Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) and or Swiss Cash are not registered companies in Switzerland. Until proof of the contrary, the Embassy doubts that the remarks about these funds and their historic links to Switzerland as outlined on their original website are genuine. The original website is indeed registered in the USA and the contact telephone number is from New Jersey (USA)." [3] "
瑞士共同基金( 1948 )和瑞士或現金都沒有註冊公司,在瑞士。直到證明相反,大使館懷疑言論對這些資金和它們的歷史聯繫,以瑞士為概述其原有網站是真實的。該原網站的確是註冊在美國的聯絡電話號碼是從新澤西(美國) 。 " 〔 3 〕
This information was also corroborated by the Swiss Embassy in Singapore. [4]
這一信息也印證了由瑞士駐新加坡大使館。 [ 4 ]
On December 13 2006, Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. was strucked off from the Commonwealth of Dominica's Register of International Business Companies. [5]對2006年12月13日,瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.
以被strucked離英聯邦多米尼克的註冊的國際商業公司。 [ 5 ]
The current version of the Swiss Mutual Fund website no longer includes any information about the company's history.
At June 2007, the Securities Commission, Malaysia's capital markets regulator, has already taken action against the promoters of Swiss Cash. [6]
在2007年6月,證券委員會,馬來西亞的資本市場的監管機構,已採取法律行動發起人瑞士的現金。 [ 6 ]
At Aug 2007, the website is down, no one can login anymore.
Internet rumors said website down was due to hurricane, and would be back at 25 Aug. But, nothing happen at 25 Aug.
Afterward, few similar websites were up.隨後,幾個類似的網站。 But, no official announcement from Swiss Mutual Fund proved that whether those website are from Swiss Mutual Fund.
Those websites only had front page, and could not be login.
Internet rumors said website down was due to upgrade and maintain, and would be back at 1 Sep 2007.
Nothing happen at 1 Sep.
Internet rumors said Swiss Mutual Fund would be back at 15 Sep 07.
Nothing happened at 15 Sep.
On Sept 17, the Financial Supervision Commission of the Commonwealth of Dominica released a press release which confirms that Swisscash is not a registered or incorporated company and does not have any established business in the island nation. [7]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation ,
The Swiss Mutual Fund is an offshore investment company headquartered in the Commonwealth of Dominica .
瑞士共同基金是境外投資公司,總部設在英聯邦多米尼克 。
Despite the inclusion of the word Swiss in its name, the Swiss Mutual Fund's board of directors is comprised solely of Dominican citizens [1] , and the company does not appear to have any significant ties to Switzerland .
儘管列入字瑞士在其名稱中,瑞士共同基金的董事會組成,是純粹的多米尼加共和國公民[ 1 ] ,而且該公司似乎並未有重大關係的瑞士 。
Swiss Mutual Fund originally mentioned on its website that it was created after World War II in 1948 by the Cheviot family of France, with operations based in Berne , Switzerland .
瑞士共同基金原先所提在其網站上說,它創造了二戰結束後 ,於1948年由家族cheviot公司法國業務總部設在瑞士 伯爾尼 。
After 48 years (1996), the firm moved to the Commonwealth of Dominica due to changes in financial regulations in Europe. [2] However the Swiss Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has stated the following:
後48年( 1996年) ,該公司提出向英聯邦多米尼克因改變金融法規在歐洲。 [ 2 ]但是,瑞士駐吉隆坡說明如下:
"The Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) and or Swiss Cash are not registered companies in Switzerland. Until proof of the contrary, the Embassy doubts that the remarks about these funds and their historic links to Switzerland as outlined on their original website are genuine. The original website is indeed registered in the USA and the contact telephone number is from New Jersey (USA)." [3] "
瑞士共同基金( 1948 )和瑞士或現金都沒有註冊公司,在瑞士。直到證明相反,大使館懷疑言論對這些資金和它們的歷史聯繫,以瑞士為概述其原有網站是真實的。該原網站的確是註冊在美國的聯絡電話號碼是從新澤西(美國) 。 " 〔 3 〕
This information was also corroborated by the Swiss Embassy in Singapore. [4]
這一信息也印證了由瑞士駐新加坡大使館。 [ 4 ]
On December 13 2006, Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A. was strucked off from the Commonwealth of Dominica's Register of International Business Companies. [5]對2006年12月13日,瑞士共同基金( 1948 ) s.a.
以被strucked離英聯邦多米尼克的註冊的國際商業公司。 [ 5 ]
The current version of the Swiss Mutual Fund website no longer includes any information about the company's history.
At June 2007, the Securities Commission, Malaysia's capital markets regulator, has already taken action against the promoters of Swiss Cash. [6]
在2007年6月,證券委員會,馬來西亞的資本市場的監管機構,已採取法律行動發起人瑞士的現金。 [ 6 ]
At Aug 2007, the website is down, no one can login anymore.
Internet rumors said website down was due to hurricane, and would be back at 25 Aug. But, nothing happen at 25 Aug.
Afterward, few similar websites were up.隨後,幾個類似的網站。 But, no official announcement from Swiss Mutual Fund proved that whether those website are from Swiss Mutual Fund.
Those websites only had front page, and could not be login.
Internet rumors said website down was due to upgrade and maintain, and would be back at 1 Sep 2007.
Nothing happen at 1 Sep.
Internet rumors said Swiss Mutual Fund would be back at 15 Sep 07.
Nothing happened at 15 Sep.
On Sept 17, the Financial Supervision Commission of the Commonwealth of Dominica released a press release which confirms that Swisscash is not a registered or incorporated company and does not have any established business in the island nation. [7]
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